
Child restraint systems grant virginia
Child restraint systems grant virginia


  • An overview of the history of seat belt laws.
  • Specific topics reviewed in this report include: Occupants involved in crashes where restraint use is unknown have not been considered in NHTSA’s calculations. For the purpose of this review, it is important to note that statistics from NHTSA are based on “known restraint use”-crashes where it is known whether the occupant was using a seat belt or car seat. NHTSA’s definition of passenger vehicles includes cars, pickup trucks or vans.


    This report focuses on seat belt use by occupants, defined as drivers or passengers, of passenger vehicles. A total of 13 states-California, Connecticut, Illinois, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington-and the District of Columbia revised their laws to require that children remain in a rear-facing child safety seat until age 2. Some states have focused on modifying child safety restraint laws to reduce injuries and fatalities among children in vehicle crashes. In addition, Mississippi and Utah expanded their laws to require both front and rear passengers to wear seat belts. Utah became the 34th state to enact a primary seat belt law for all passengers in 2017. Other efforts include requiring both front and rear-seat passengers to use seat belts and increasing penalties for violations. A handful of states have upgraded their seat belt laws, including changing them from secondary to primary enforcement, which allows police to cite people for not wearing a seat belt without any other traffic offense taking place. Since 2015, state legislatures have enacted over 40 laws related to seat belts. Given these statistics, lawmakers are actively debating proposals to increase passengers’ safety in the event of a crash. However, among the occupants of passenger vehicles killed in 2017 where it was known whether they were wearing a seat belt, 47 percent were unrestrained.

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    NHTSA indicates that the national seat belt use rate was 89.6 percent in 2018, a statistically insignificant decrease from 89.7 in 2017. roads in 2017 due to motor vehicle crashes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 37,000 lives were lost on U.S. We’ve all heard that buckling up is one of the most effective methods to protect ourselves in a car crash. State Child Occupant Protection Legislation.State Primary and Secondary Seat Belt Enforcement Legislation.Demographic Factors of Seat Belt Use and Enforcement.Background and History of Seat Belt Laws.This report examines trends in state laws designed to protect vehicle occupants and enforcement strategies in recent years. AAA’s 2017 Traffic Safety Culture Index shows that 86.1 percent of drivers said it is unacceptable to drive without wearing a seat belt but 18.6 percent of drivers admitted to doing so in the previous month.


    Occupants involved in crashes where restraint is unknown have not been considered in NHTSA’s calculationsĭriver and occupant attitudes toward seat belt safety laws can be inconsistent with a driver or passenger’s tendency to buckle up. An additional 2,456 lives would have been saved in 2016 if all unrestrained passengers involved in fatal crashes had worn their seat belts, estimates NHTSA. NHTSA also found that seat belts in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 14,668 lives of occupants aged 5 and older in 2016. In total, 10,076 individuals who died in crashes in 2017 were unrestrained. NHTSA’s research indicates that among passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2017 where it was known whether they were wearing a seat belt, 47 percent were unrestrained. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among those ages 1 to 54 in the United States, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

  • Law, Criminal Justice and Public SafetyĪccording to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 37,000 lives were lost on U.S.
  • child restraint systems grant virginia

  • Communications, Financial Services and Interstate Commerce.

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    Research, Editorial, Legal and Committee Staff.Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee.Institute for International Cooperation.

    Child restraint systems grant virginia